Dave Newton has 30+ years experience spanning both hardware and software in multiple industries. He has been involved in hardware designs utilizing FPGA devices since 1988 including integration, design and verification targeting ultrasound, wireless, aerospace and custom embedded systems. Other skills include circuit board schematics & layout, application and embedded programming, hardware driver and interrupt handlers, testbench design and implementation (traditional & UVM), test fixture design (both electrical and mechanical) and DO254 process assurance.
Tool Set Experience:
FPGA/PLD Design:
Vivado, Xilinx Foundation ISE, HDL Designer, Matlab/Simulink, Actel Designer, Aldec Active-HDL IDE, Altera Quartus, Synplify, ModelSim/Questasim, Leonardo Spectrum
PCB Design:
Mentor Graphics Design Architect, Cadence Concept (SCH)/Allegro(PCB)
VHDL, System Verilog, C/C++, Pascal, Assembly, TCL/PL
Scopes, Logic Analyzers, Spectrum Analyzers, In-Circuit Emulators
CM/Document Control:
ClearCase, ClearQuest, DOORS, Teamcenter, Daptiv, Agile, PVCS, RCS, SVN, Git
Projects include:
- Ultrasound scan converter
- Realtime force-feedback controller
- GSM receive channel processor
- CDMA Rx/Tx processors
- Legacy weather RADAR IF converter redesign (DAL C)
- Nexgen TCAS development (DAL B)
- Integrated Multi-Mode Radio (DAL A)
- Multiple aerospace PLD obsolescence projects (various DAL’s)
- B-52 radar jammer